Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) System

What is Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)?

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing, is a business-distribution model that allows a parent company to market its products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and direct selling.

What is Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) System?

This is a software system that includes Public web site, Member web site, Stockist web site (optional), Administrator web site. In each of these web sites, it include many tools to allow visitors, members, stockist and administrators to review the MLM products, Sign up as member, Login into member web site, View the genealogy of the member placements, View and check points and wallet balances, Marketing materials, Marketing tools, Stock checking, Package or membership upgrade functionalities and more.

Applying MLM System

For New MLM Start Ups

Time to market is a very important factor. With our MLM StartUp package, your MLM system can be ready within the same day! And you don't even need pay anything. Yes, you can keep your credit card. This cuts through ALL the red tape in procuring a new system, because it is FREE setup, and no obligations. The damage, just USD$1 per active member per month. Find out more about our MLM StartUp package.

For Existing MLM Going Online

There are many reasons why a traditional MLM should quickly get online:

  1. Be competitive. All your competitors are already online.
  2. Customer satisfaction. Provide online tools to customers to monitor their account, tell friends about your MLM and communicate with you.
  3. Calculate payout faster, accurately and reliably.
  1. Reduce calculation time from days to minutes.
  2. Reduce human errors in calculating payouts.
  3. Payout calculations are released on time, same time, all the time.

Why GME's MLM System? On top of all the general advantages, existing MLM company is provided with some essential services...

  1. We import your existing data into the new system.
  2. With your track record, we can negotiate the best possible deals with international payment gateways.

For Existing MLM Upgrading System

GME's MLM System has many functions and features. For example, SMS notification, SMS broadcast, Affiliate links, Search engine optimization, Search engine marketing, and many more. We are very experienced with MLM business and incredibly well armed with software tools to get things done effectively and effeciently for your organization.

MLM System Functions

Affiliate ID (Sponsor ID)

Each member has an Affiliate ID (sometimes this is the same as username). It is also known as Sponsor ID. Whenever the member introduces a new member, the new member registration form should be populated with the Affiliate ID. There is another way to populate the Affiliate ID. It can be inserted into the web site URL which the member passes to the new member. For example This Affiliate ID is saved into the member's PC so whenever he signs up for an account, the Affiliate ID is automatically filled in the form (sometimes invinsible to the user).


There are various ways to place new members. Types of placement matrix:
1. Uni-Level
2. Forced Matrix (including binary)
New members are always placed under the sponsor but may not be the level directly under the sponsor. The reason is, the MLM may use Forced Matrix (not uni-level). Forced Matrix has limited legs per member. If the legs in that level is full, the new member is spilled over to the following level. The direct sponsor matrix and maintenance matrix may be different.

Genealogy Report

Member can always check who is placed under them using the Genealogy Report function. Most of the time, this report is graphical. Sometimes, only a text report is possible if there are too many legs per level.


There are many points transactions and cash transactions in an account. eWallet allows the members to check their balances and transaction reports.

Marketing Tools

Many marketing tools are installed for the members to network with his/her prospects. With these marketing tools, members can achieve better results with less effort. It also reduces errors such as missing or wrong affiliate IDs,

MLM StartUp Package

We understand MLM. You cannot wait weeks and months before starting your business. Therefore we've created an Instant MLM Setup system. All you have to do is answer a few questions. A temporary MLM system will be created automatically immediately. No need credit card (no payment required), no need hosting (ready to go hosting). The system will provide you with a live sample login form and registration form which you can add to your website. This Instant MLM Setup do not have a Payout Generator. Therefore it is not practical to use this long term because manual payout calculation is prone to mistakes as number of members grow. GME can create a payout generator for you (chargeable) within one month. Typically it requires another week to test and fine tune the results.

My Mobile Number :                
(example: 60163398848)



MLM Setup Delivery:
Immediate - Test the site
3 days - Able to sign up members
1 month - Able to pay out


MLM Setup Cost: Free
Maintenance cost: USD$1.00 per active member per month
Setup cost: USD$5,000 (one-time).
Maintenance cost: USD$2,000 per month (optional)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. Is the consultation free?
  2. Answer: YES
  3. 2. Is there an optional maintenance service?
  4. Answer: YES
  5. 3.Can the system do auto placement of new members?
  6. Answer: YES
  7. 4. Does the system calculate MLM payouts automatically? Answer: YES
